بهتر نتيجن کي بهتر نتيجا حاصل ڪرڻ لاء ناگزير آهي. Studies from The International Journal of Dental Hygiene suggest that directing the water jet straight onto the gums can lead to irritation rather than effective cleaning. Instead, position the nozzle at a 45-degree angle to the gum line, as recommended by dental professionals, to effectively dislodge plaque without causing discomfort.

A water flosser is an excellent addition to oral care but should complement, not replace, brushing with a sonic electric toothbrush. The combination of mechanical and hydrokinetic cleaning offers the best results. ڪلينٽيڪل آزمائشي ظاهر ڪري ٿو ته يوزرز جو سونيل جي سونيل جي سونيل ٽوٿ برش کي ريچارج ڪرڻ جو جوڙيندڙ پاڻي جي سوزش ۽ گم جي سوزش ۾ هڪ 70 سيڪڙو وڌيڪ گهٽتائي آهي.